
This division consists of any individual, firm, or corporation that markets, and sells any construction aggregate product they have extracted from a natural deposit, other than a limestone deposit.

As set forth by the By-Laws, Affiliate membership dues are 80% of the Regular Member dues.

Benefits of ILPA Membership

The Annual Convention – Grow your knowledge base by interacting and exchanging information with industry partners. Meet new people and solidify existing relationships. The ILPA convention is two days of fun, education and camaraderie. It is the home of the infamous Rockbuster’s Ball.

Annual Safety Seminar – Held each February, this seminar is a great place to sharpen your skills and gain knowledge in an area that will continue to be important to anyone working in or near mine operations.

Golf Outing – The Outing is held every September at a location selected by the current ILPA President. The Outing provides an opportunity to spend a relaxing afternoon with your peers and suppliers, and participation is a fun way to show your commitment to the industry.

Membership Directory – In April of each year, all ILPA members (Affiliate, M & S, and Producer) receive, without charge, a new and updated Membership Directory. As an ILPA member, your company name, and contact information is included in the Directory.

Web Page – Each ILPA member (Producer, Affiliate and M & S member) has a spot on our website ( This personalized location contains their company name and logo if desired. It also contains links so our members have instant access to your e-mail address and website. You control the content via password-protected access. Each month all ILPA members are allowed two free ads in the website’s classified section.

Access to MSHA Enforcement Alerts Website – Your ILPA membership allows you to post and read MSHA citations of concern on the nationally recognized MSHA Enforcement Alerts website. Your membership will also put you on a list of those who automatically receive frequent blogs and newsletters from several premier labor attorneys who specialize in MSHA and OSHA regulatory actions.

ILPA Board of Directors Involvement* – One Affiliate Division member will be elected to serve a three-year term on the ILPA Board of Directors. The Board meets five times per year providing Affiliate members access to the highest level of the ILPA decision-making process.

Contribute to ILPA Committees – ILPA has seven standing committees. *Affiliate members can make up to 25% of each committee. Participation provides an opportunity to understand and prepare for new industry initiatives and direction. You can work hand-in-hand with likeminded professionals as they address the ever-changing issues confronting the aggregates industry.


ILPA Working Committees

The Promotional and Public Relations and Education Committee promotes all aggregate products including Aglime.
This committee also promotes the aggregate industry image through education and training. The Committee works on planning and zoning issues  This committee supports the education of science teachers, county supervisors, Iowa municipalities and other groups of the necessity and proper use of construction aggregates.
The Environmental Committee studies and evaluates Federal, State, and Local environmental control laws and regulations. It actively seeks to protect ILPA members from unnecessary regulatory burden and to informal members when regulations of concern are proposed. The association actively explores areas where construction aggregates can be used to control and improve environmental conditions.
The Safety Committee helps to stimulate greater interest among members towards effective accident prevention and safety programs. It provides safety and training aids and plans the annual ILPA Safety Seminar. As needed, the Committee studies and evaluates laws and regulations pertaining to industry safety and disseminates information to members that will assist them in developing more effective accident prevention. Working through the association, it provides members a voice regarding MSHA initiatives.
The Technical Committee reviews and studies proposed changes in aggregate specifications and makes recommendations to the Iowa Department of Transportation, County Engineers and other bodies. It reviews methods of sampling and testing and works with agencies to provide recommendations for improvements when needed.
The Scholarship Screening Committee considers all applications for scholarships and working with judges from outside of the industry, select those who receive these awards. Currently ILPA distributes over $10,000 annually. The scholarships go to students whose parents are employed by an ILPA Producer or Affiliate member.
The ILPA Convention Planning Committee* selects the convention hotel, speakers, topics and theme. Working together, they also construct many of the props and decorations used during the annual Rockbuster Ball.

*ILPA Articles of Incorporation stipulate Board involvement after a minimum of 3 Affiliate members and 500,000 tons of sales from the Affiliate division.

* The Convention Planning Committee is open to all members and is not subject to the 25% division member limitation.

Minimum dues for the Affiliate Membership Division are $660.00 annually and can be billed on a monthly basis.  New Affiliate Division members pay minimum dues as a trial membership.  After the first year, dues are based on tons of aggregate sold in Iowa.  Tonnage reports are kept strictly confidential.

Registration Instructions – Filling in the boxes below will create your personal/company username and password.  They will be used to re-enter the website once you become a member.  This allows you to create classified ads and change any of your company information should the need arise.  Please write them down.  Boxes marked with asterisks  indicate required information.